Saturday, December 17, 2011

My 4 month old son has a nasty cold and cough advise please?

he has a runny nose and a lot of mucus he keeps coughing especially after hes eaten ive given him calpol and watered his bottles down by 1oz tried proping his cot up and feeding him sitting up ivr taken him to the doctors it is only a cold but has anyone any ideas how to make him a bit more comfortable?|||I'd suggest a cool mist humidifier in his room at night. If possible keep his head elevated when he sleeps to prevent nasal secretions from dripping into his throat. Also, try saline nasal drops, and suction the nasal secretions with a bulb syringe. I would also suggest NOT giving him Calpol (unless he has a fever) or any other over-the-counter treatment, including Vicks vapo-rub which is harsh and petroleum-based. I would suggest another visit to the pediatrician to have his airways reassessed - his cough may be triggering a wheeze - very common for children to develop bronchiolitis from a cold at this age, and he may benefit from nebulizer treatments. I'm also unsure about watering down his formula - in our practice, we advise against this.|||Go see a doctor.|||Awww, not nice is it, especially when you cant do anything about it, you just feel helpless. Its probably one of those things you are just going to have to sit out, try a couple of spots of albass oil on a tissue and just give him calpol, dont put the albass oil too close to him though just leave it in the room somewhere. You could also try steamed water in the room. Just keep boiling a kettle over and over again until the room fills with steam.|||Some good advice on here already but please don't give honey as it is usually recommended that you do not give honey to a child who is under 12 months. When my son had a similar problem at that age, we got saline drops and decongestants. Taking the baby into the bathroom and running hot water for steam does help.

It is a pain to see your little one suffering but he will get better. If the baby has the cough for more than a couple of days, it is advisable for you to take him to the Dr so that they can check him and make sure he's alright.|||Mix some lemon juice with a little honey and give him a spoonful every 3-4 hours.|||I used to use Karvol decongestant drops when my kids were younger. Just put some on an old bit of rag and put it over the side of the cot.|||I swear by my vaporiser! When my bub is sick I have it going in her room to keep her chest clear to ensure good sleeps. It works too!|||You can use a vaporizer with some Vick's or menthol. Also Vicks vapor rub and bath gel are good. Try giving him a bottle of water to rinse down the formula or breast milk. Both cause mucus to build up in the throat and cause more coughing. Good luck|||When my daughter was about the same age she had a pretty bad cold, she was born in December so right around the flu season and allergy season here in Florida... I was advised not to use medication but to just suction out the mucus in her nose and prop her up to sleep.. One day I was home alone and needed to take a shower so I put her in her carrier proped up in the bathroom while I showered and when I got out all the mucus in her nose was running down her face, apparently the steam from my shower really helped and sine then this is the method I use. I just close the curtain turn the showere on all hot and sit in the bathroom with the baby until the mucus starts coming out and then I suction... I told my Dr. and she has been suggesting this to other parents with children this young... You can also put a shower soother in the shower it is menthol and it will help also.. Hope this was helpful to you....|||try those nasel clearers in boots they are about a fiver|||Thats a good question, .. im wanting to know this answer myself... for future references.|||put olive oil al over his back, massage it.

Or vix cream if you think olive oil is bad smell.

there are camomile drinnks you could mild-warm it to drink. good for the stomach also. Can you find some babies vitamins so the imune system can go fast?|||you should go to your pharmacist and get him some saline drops and put some in his nose this will let him breathe a lot easier also try and put some vics on his clothing or on a tissue and tuck it in his clothing this helped my son also as when i cam home from giving birth he had a cold and couldn't breathe or sleep so i tried these things and just give hI'm lots of love and cuddles im sure your really exhausted from lack of sleep but if you give him affection he will recover a lot sooner best of luck with the little angel|||if u want health advice for ur baby wouldnt it be better to see ur gp|||if he is having problem breathing the best thing to do is put some Vick's into a bowl of boiling water and sit in a room were the windows are shut and the heating is on. The vapours help open up the airways and the humidity from the heating and boiling water helps ease out the mucus so coughs it up

Hope this helps it worked wonders for my son when he was newborn|||Have you tried using a vapour rub? This will hopefully help clear his nose a little and relieve a cough. If he's not better in a couple of days I would take him back to the doctors as young babies can develop nasty chest infections. Hope he feels better soon!|||fill your bathroom with steam this will help clear his chest sit in with him for 20 mins so enhale the steam. also try vicks vapour rub on his chest.xx|||they have that johnson vapour for the bath tub.You can see if that will help.But you can also prob give him alil meds. like tylenol. my doc said nothin over 0.4 for tylenol.They have weight limits on them. You can also call and talk to a nurse and they will tell you what you can do.You don't have to take him in.Just call and ask.|||Cough is caused by a number of ailments.

It can be treated by over the counter medicines

or home remedies. More information available

at|||How long has your son been like this? Try putting a humidifier in his room, you sound like you are doing everything else right. I would go back to see the pediatrician.|||Just fro your info,dairy products and bananas produce mucus. Is there an alternative you could try for a few days?

Fill your bath with hot water and close the windows and doors until the room is full of steam then sit in the room with bubs to help losen the mucus.

Make sure there are no irritatants in the house such as pot pouri or plug in air fresheners or smellies around the house. Obviously no pets or dust either. Avoid talc or wearing perfume yourself.

Get well soon little one.|||Put the shower on hot and sit him on your knee in the bathroom. The steam will help loosen up the phlegm and make it easier for him to breathe.|||Most doctors will recommend a humidifier to use, which are great, but when my babies get really bad, I want to intensify the effect in order to give them some relief. In order to do this, I turn the shower on full blast all the way on hot. It's best to leave the shower curtain open a bit if you don't have a problem with a leaky shower head. Put the lid down on the commode and take a seat with the baby in your lap and just snuggle for a little while so that your baby can breathe in the steam. Once the bathroom gets really steamy, I turn off the shower and sit there for a few more minutes with the baby and this technique helps them breathe a little better for a couple of hours. It's great for a runny nose and cough due to congestion.|||A cough is the body's response to inflammation or irritation in the throat, larynx, bronchial tubes or lungs.Some coughs are dry, while others are considered productive.Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out for more remedies and information.

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