We are a business and we have a problem with roaches and have for over a month. We have sprayed, set out traps, everything! I've called a local pest control company and he says there's something in their spray vs. store bought spray, called ivr, that helps more with killing them. does it really help more to get an exterminator vs. our own spray? and remind you, they've had babies and they are everywhere! help please!|||WOW! Sounds pretty serious! I would contact a pro... Clean out your pantry and put ALL your food that's in cardboard boxes like pasta, cereal etc... into clear plastic/glass containers that seal.. You can even store flour, sugar, etc... In the freezer... Wipe down the pantry and lay down NEW shelf liner.. Rubber MANCO brand is really good...
Wipe down appliances, countertops EVERYTHING with a mild BLEACH solution 1/3 c. per gallon of water.. SWEEP/MOP floors and move appliances to get rid of stray crumbs... Roaches like to HIDE in dark places... Behind pictures, electronics etc...
If you have pets.. Feed at specific times and store food/water in airtight locking containers..
Sprinkle carpet with a mixture of BAKING SODA and BORAX and leave on overnight.. Roaches don't like it and when they walk around they will carry it to the nest and DIE!
You can also put BORAX,SUGAR and CRISCO mixed together to form a thick paste and put it behind appliances, in cupboards and anywhere you've seen roach activity... The roaches eat it and DIE! Just keep away from children/pets...
I would AFTER the pro comes.. Continue to spray every 3-6 months... Keep the house as tidy as possible.. Vacuum often... Keep food air tight and put away.... Clean up spills/crumbs.. If there's no food they will move on....
Good luck|||Exterminators are the only way I have ever seen them completely rid. The exterminators will also have to spray any neighboring buildings otherwise the roaches will simply move next door and then return to your place. Also make sure you wipe everything down with bleach water and remove any appliances that may be harboring eggs that you can't get to. Radios (I've seen roaches get into the little digital screen on a radio), microwaves, etc. Make sure there is no food on the floors, in cabinets, under refrigerators, behind %26amp; under stoves, etc. |||you def need an exterminator. if you tried on your own to kill them then it sounds like a heavy infestation and you will need a professional before you waste too much money trying to avoid paying a pro.|||Boric acid powder will work. You can do it yourself. Get it in the hardware store or some place like that. Just follow the instructions and it will work. |||sounds like a nasty situation!! I think you should call exterminators and have them KILL those disgusting pests!!
good luck!!!!|||the best thing is not to use sprays because roaches will adapt to them and will have no use. Step on them!
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