Ive got thrush and i was just wondering if there was an alternative cure than buying products as i am too embarased to tell my mum. Ivr had it about 3 times now and just let it go away itself but its awful!!! PLEASE HELP!!!|||Rinse with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (dilute to half strength).|||Okay. Eat yogurt, the real stuff like dannon with live cultures. Secondly, could you get help at school or planned parenthood to get the monostat? Thirdly, why are you getting repeated yeast infections? Usually the good buggies (a bacterium) keeps these bad buggies (candida) at bay. Repeated use of antibiotics can alter this balance. If you take antibiotics for acne, this could be a natural consequence and should be addressed by the prescribing doctor.
Fourth....so sorry you don't feel comfortable enough to talk about this with your mum. Are you sure she won't understand? You didn't do anything wrong to get this. I am sure she wouldn't want you to suffer like this. Good luck.|||you should be able to go to a chemist and buy this medication yourself...its called Canesten Duo..it combines a pessary to pop inside you to kill off the infection and a tube of cream to apply to the itchy area down below.
i think it costs about 7 quid .
i know its embarrassing to have these problems when your very young but its all part of being a woman but chances are your mum has probably had this complaint herself and will be able to help you out.
if you really dont want to buy medications then the old fashioned method is to buy plain live yoghurt and to somehow apply some to your insides.maybe you could get a plastic syringe from the chemist or even something as crude as a turkey baster can be used to get the yoghurt in there.
it is supposed to re balance the bacteria inside of you so that thrush does not flare up again.
have a look on the net for thrush treatments and it will explain it better than i can.|||SEE YOUR DOCTOR! they will help you...its not embarrassig to have thrush...lots of people get it! its not always sexually transmitted adn you can get thrush in a few different places...if it irritates you that much then get an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible and tell him what is going on...chances are he will give you some cream to apply or a tablet!
x|||Go to the doctor! Honest babe most women have had thrush at some point, it's not a big deal and your doctor won't bat an eyelid.|||I don't know how old you are, You can go to your local GUM (Genitory Uninary Medicine) Clinic address found in your local Tel Book. They will/can see you totally in confidence. AND give you a good idea of how to resolve the problem. Good Luck.|||Vaginal thrush, also called yeast infection or candidiasis, is an overgrowth of yeast that leads to a range of unpleasant symptoms, such as itching and soreness around the vagina.
Most women will have thrush at least once during their lives, and many will have more than one episode. But for some women, thrush keeps coming back. Recurrent thrush can affect a woman鈥檚 sex life and self-image, and may be a sign of a more serious health problem.
Since you do not want to biy products or tablets, i can suggest you 2 different natural and home made available remedies.
1. Vinegar.
Some women find vinegar can help stop thrush but, as with garlic, the smell is quite strong. Vinegar is acidic and may help restore the pH balance of the vaginal area to give the friendly bacteria a better chance of successfully fighting off yeast. Never use vinegar on its own 鈥?it must be diluted with water (1 tablespoon vinegar with 1 pint of water). Use the mixture to gently wash the outside of your vagina or dip a tampon in it and insert it over night.
2. Yoghurt
Natural live yoghurt can be used in two ways to deal with thrush: eating it and/or inserting it into your vagina. The key is not the yoghurt itself but the bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus, in the yoghurt. This helps the body maintain, or regain, its natural pH level and keeps yeast under control.
Eating yoghurt may help keep yeast levels low throughout the body, but particularly in the stomach and intestines. Because candida in the bowel can easily make its way to the vulva and vagina, keeping your digestive system clear of thrush may help prevent vaginal thrush.
Inserting yoghurt into your vagina may also help restore your vaginal pH balance, but there is less scientific support for this method. If you want to give it a try, put one teaspoon of yoghurt in an applicator, a plastic syringe or on a tampon, and insert it high into your vagina. Repeat this every night for a week. It is important that you use only unsweetened, plain, live yoghurt.
The active ingredient in this treatment, lactobacillus acidophilus, is also available at health food stores as a supplement on its own.
All the best - get well soon baby|||Please go to your pharmacist and speak to one of the ladies there they will help you. Another thing is if you are sleeping with someone they may be passing it on to you and they need to be treated as well. So both parties need treatment. Avoid scented spray's, powder and wear panty's with a cotton liner. Good luck, ouch, very itchy:)|||Natural yoghurt usually helps, but Cannesten cream, which is easily available and not too expensive is also excellent. It is not a sexual infection, though it can be passed that way, and if you are having unprotected sex then your boyfriend should be treated as he could easily be carrying it and passing it back to you. He may, or may not have symptoms.
We as women, have a natural amount of bacteria in our vaginas, this is necessary for lubrication and some of the bacteria eat other bacteria, thus keeping the right amount of lubrication and smell, when these bacteria become unbalanced, the bad bacteria multiply like mad as there are not enough of the good bacteria to eat them up. Hence smothering your nether regions in live yoghurt replenishes the good bacteria and lets them do their job.
All these bacteria can become so easily imbalanced, and some people are naturally more prone to thrush than others. Maybe its not something we all talk about, but you would be suprised how incredibly common it is, which is why there are so many good products on the market. The things that usually upset the bacterial balance are: tight clothing, synthetic underwear, perfumed soap, baby wipes, bubble bath, bath salts, wearing tights, using tampons having periods and unprotected sex with someone who has the infection. It is only a yeast infection, and yeast needs warmth and dampness to breed, thus a vagina is pretty perfect for breeding conditions.
Feel free to talk to your mum, I will lay you odds that she has had it more than once herself and will know exactly what to do and how to put your mind at rest. However, if you are having unprotected sex, this kind of conversation can lead to the kind of questions your mum may well ask that you do not want to answer.
A visit to the nurse at your GP surgery would also give you more information and a prescription for something soothing like Canesten duo which works quickly by giving you a soothing cream and a tablet to take, or a pessary to insert up into your vagina with an applicator. Or even Diflucan which is a tablet you take once. There are that many treatments, because it is so common an infection, you have nothing to worry about, but do get it treated, because if it gets out of hand, it is soooooo itchy its unbelievable. Good luck. Hope this helps.|||dnt b imbarrssed|||Conventional therapies like Canestan are available over the counter, but they are expensive without prescription.
An alternative technique which has been shown to work is to use LIVE natural yogurt. Buy a fresh pot at the beginning of each period. Dip a fresh tampon in it once or twice a day, and insert it in the normal way for the duration of your period. Live yogurt contains lactobacilli, the same organisms that normally fill and protect the vagina from other infections such as thrush.|||dont keep putting this off, go to the doctors and get some cream, pessarys and antibiotics for it before it gets any worse. when i was much younger i had thrush and never done anything about it, it then turned into bacterial viganosis and as a result of it not being treated ive got pelvic inflammatory disease. plus its chronic and has effected my life a lot. dont put off treating it or you may end up with this disease too. ive heard live yoghurt kills the bacteria but im not sure as i havent tried it. just see your doctor as soon as you can, dont be embarassed shes your mum she may have even had it before herself, as its very common. and doctors deal with it daily. good luck|||Hi. It must be awful for you. Your mum would understand and help but if you really cant tell her try:-Natural Yogurt. Wear cotton underwear. Avoid tight fitting trousers. Or you could go to your doctors... your mum doesn't have to know if you dint want her to.|||some say that applying natural yoghurt to the area can help. i have never tried it so cant say if it works but it cant hurt to give it a try.|||Don't be embarrassed about talking to mum...chances are she's had it too.
Its not a sexually transmitted disease!!!!
But if you've had it 3 times in short succession, you really need to see your doctor as there may be an underlying cause as to why you are getting it so frequently...
But please, don't be embarrassed...its more common than you think!!!!!!!|||natural yoghurt on a tampon|||Natural yogurt usually works. Not to eat lol but as a type of pessary.|||Dont be embarrassed about telling your mum about this. Thrush is nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases. It's something that all us ladies live with but it is dormant within our body and it takes something to kick-start it into action. Often it can be a course of antibiotic, a period, hormonal changes, even the soap we wash with or fabric coming into contact with our skin. It's a yeast infection which requires an imbalance of some sort or other to start its growth. Your mum could purchase the oral tablet and cream from the pharmacy for you and it will be gone within days. Please do not suffer - just mention it to her and show her these answers. She will understand perfectly- all us mums do, coz we've all suffered with the dreaded thrush at some time or other. Hope it soon goes away, but speak with your mum.|||my sister has had it for the second time and shes only 16!! she didnt want to tell either but she said its not embarasing. all you have to do is wee in a cup at the dr so its not too embarrasing. i think you should tell your mum because chances are shes had it. its very common. also the dr can give you some antibiotics to make it go quicker.]
if you really dont want to drink cranbery juice becaus this helps things in that area!! good luck but i really think you have to telll your mum especially as this is the third time!! good luck xxxx
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