Monday, December 12, 2011

Looking for advice about joining milltary (navy,i want to be a SEAL)?

im 15 years old i plan on joining when im 17

i have thought about joining the marines but ivr always wanted to be a navy seal

im looking for any tips that can help me achive my goal

i know that to be a seal you have to be in great shape i played high school football untill i broke my shoulder even then i playd middle line backer for 3 games with it broke then i did wrestling rebroke the same shoulder mid season and tore some thing in the join so im also looking for ways to stay fit while i cant run because of my shoulder injury

any tips advice would be great

if any seals read this i would like to talk to them so please send an email|||Speaking from a Former Navy and Veteran in the Submarine and Crypto field (we carried SEALS at times), You would so be my hero for going into the Navy Seals. Don't let anyone discourage you! Get your shoulder right and get your head right. It is a physically demanding program FOR SURE. But it is alot mental as well. You can overcome the hardships if you can mentally block out the pain. It is possible, they are looking for more strength of mind, they say the first to drop are the big diesel looking dudes, so you don't have to be big. in fact all of the SEALS I have ever known have been average looking guys that you would never be able to tell.

remember : don't let anyone discourage you, you will spend the rest of your life wondering "what if" and wondering "Could I have made it". Take the shot and push yourself to your limits, the success and reward you feel at the end of will be priceless.

Good Luck, I wish you the best in your endeavor.|||Well being in shape is going to help a lot but you also have to realize that Navy SEAL training is the hardest the military has to offer because on average three quarters of a class will drop out most of them in the first phase because to be a SEAL you have to want really bad in fact you have to be close to needing it so you need to realize you might not reach your goal I am not trying to tear you down because I think that trying to become a SEAL is downright awesome but you also need to think about what you will do if you don't make it you can't just quit the military anyway I hope I helped good luck to you|||Please don't do it! It's hard to see but there is many people in the military who change their minds once they find out they have been lied to all these years. Some people try to turn a blind eye to this. You cannot use your own judgement if you find something you are morally faced with that you don't want to do like killing someone that might be innocent accidently. Basically you are a sheep. Your not a hero and anything that can be learned in the Seals or any other military institution can be learned elsewhere, especially in the physical aspect.

Hoorah for the people who left the military!|||With that much shoulder damage I doubt you'll be able to finish the try outs for a SEAL. I met a former SEAL and a former Marine Recon and these guys were straight up built like rocks. The passing rate for these types of these programs are 3% according to a couple of friends in the military. Just remember you are going against 100% physically fit guys who some are on 2nd, 3rd tries, so its not all physical but mentally challenging.

I have a had a torn labrium with Arthroscopic surgery in my left shoulder and I also broke my left clavicle, I doubt I would be able to pass the Physical Fitness test they put you through along with Boot Camp. I am pretty fit otherwise, swimming/running/endurance training.

If youre looking to getting your shoulder rebuilt you might want to see a sports surgeon and getting everything diagnose. Shoulder injuries are pretty bad (speaking from experience) Muscle will need to replace everything/anything that tore. ALOT of physical therapy might get you back but I doubt you will ever get it back to 100%. My doc told me once you do damage to the shoulder it will never be 100% just because it is such a sensitive joint.|||That is a tall mountain to climb. You can be a seal and in the Marines. Actually all Branches can go to Buds. Follow the links to get more information.

Oh here are the minimum physical requirments:

By law, only men are eligible to apply for the SEAL program. After joining the Navy, you must:

Meet specific eyesight requirements.

Meet minimum Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score.

Be 28 years old or younger.

Be a U.S. citizen.

Pass a diving physical examination.

Complete the Physical Screening Test Requirements. The program is as follows:

Swim 500 Yards within 12:30

Rest 10:00

42 push-ups within 2:00

Rest 2:00

50 sit-ups within 2:00

Rest 2:00

6 pull-ups (no time limit)

Rest 10:00

1.5 mile run within 11:00

Pass a Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALS (BUD/S) physical fitness screening test in Boot Camp and in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) in order to qualify for a SEAL contract.|||Get in shape very good shape they train like no other. But you gotta be mentally prepared for all the challenges. If you are not ready to die for your country then dont do it. Think about it. It aint a video game poeple die on both sides|||I talked to my first recruiter when I was about 14 years old because I wanted to go into the Navy. When I did go in there was one guy in boot camp that was trying for the seals and he was in great shape. He did one handed push-ups and I think one handed pull-ups.

I would talk to a recruiter and ask if your shoulder will prevent you from going into the seals. Also read a book or two about the seals. I read one a couple years ago and it doesn't sound like fun to me.|||Just keep this in mind.....Many hear the call, but few are chosen. And then when you don't make it, you are stuck on a ship, BORED out of your mind! Think very hard on this.|||If your shoulder is as screwed up as it is now, sorry to give you this bad news, you will not even be allowed into the military unless you get a medical waiver from the MEPS doctors. Having this waiver will be a death warrant for you to ever make BUDS.

I have a completely rebuilt shoulder and I know from experience that everytime you rebreak or actually dislocate your shoulder, you do more damage and weaken it more.


USN ret.|||My Husband is Army. We love our country and support this war. But, the incentives are not as good as Marines, Airforce %26amp; navy. All in this order. The housing is intolerable and old. We are overseas and housing %26amp; living areas are just unacceptable. I have made visits to enlighten our day to Airforce bases elsewhere. Airforce bases opened my eyes.... WOW, why can't we have all the same standards across the board.The bases seemed so modern and living quarters and areas are so beatiful. Don't get me wrong the U.S Army is wonderful. We have had a wonderful journey together. I am proud of my Husbands service and support him and all military across the board. No complaints after 13 yrs except the standards of living, especially compare to the other services living conditions. But, my Husband tells me quite often he wished his recruiter would have shown up from the marines the day he had his appointment with them. They are called THE FEW THE PROUD for a reason. The sandards of seals and marines are much higher, compared to army. It is really an hornor to just serve. God Bless America. Be guided in your choice. Research before meeting with the recruiter. Remeber they are trying to make their quoters. Have in mind what you enjoy and would really like to do. Be a seal if that is what your dream is. don't except nothing less. You can do it? By the way the only recruiter that showed up for my Husband that day was ARMY so go figure. A proud Soliders wife...GO ARMY...|||Don't do it!|||dont even worry about being a seal until your actually in|||All I can say is please dont join tha army....What is the point in fighting ? Answer that for me|||Best thing to do is go to your locale recruiter. They have workouts and information there that you can take home. The workouts r to prepare you for the Navy Seals.|||i,m not being funny, but first get healed 100%.then

i would contact the navy and ask them any and all

questions you have on the subject matter.

contact the navy recruitment center and good luck!|||i dont know if you can even join the military since you hurt your shoulder so much. i knwo they rejected a lot of people cause of injuries wheni went to meps and when my friends went too. better check with a recruiter.|||With these injuries, you are likely not to be allowed into the military. Your best course of action is to talk to a recruiter to help you form a plan.

You must be as tough mentally as you are physically. You'll also go where you are told to go and do what you are told to do. It isn't comfortable or glamorous, but it can be adventerous.

Here are some additional recommendations:

1. Get familiar with the ASVAB test. You'll need a good score.鈥?/a>

2. Join the Boy Scouts. Become an Eagle Scout.

3. Don't mess up with the law. Stay out of trouble. Don't get messed up with drugs. Don't get any girls pregnant.|||to start with, try this:

stand in a swamp on a moonless night (at midnight) up to your eyes in muck and stay absolutely still and silent for 4 hours.

cheers!|||You may not be able to join the navy with a bum shoulder. I was in the navy for 8 years, though never in the navy seals, you should try the seabees, that is a branch of the navy that is aligned with the marines. It is a construction batallion based out of Gulfport Mississippi.You can go to their website for more info. Good luck and always try to achieve your goals, never give up.

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