Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why cant i sleep im depressed :( help?

its been about almost a week and ive been kinda depressed cause i live for basketball and alot of coachs and parents and friends say im good at it, but latley its been becoming to much for me to handle im only 15 ivr been playing sence i was about 5 i just need a break but people dont understand or dont believe me when im telling them i dont wanna play anymore i am physically exhausted and emotionaly its taking its toll my mom just put me in another tourny tomorrow i have 3 games i wanna cry and idk what to do i cant sleep and havent been able too|||When you get to this point in your hobby, you gotta leave whether others get it or don't. I say this because if you don't then the thing you love (i.e. basketball) is simply going to lose all it's interest, permanently. Simply tell your mom right now that you NEED this break.Your too young to be under such stress. If all else fails then show her this question. Get the break you deserve girl, and finally get some sleep.

Don't be a wuss alright? It isn't the end of the world by telling her. (Unless she gets mad and is coincidentally God)


edit: maybe the reason she is doing it is because now that there is potential for scholarships and money, you have to be in top shape all the time. Maybe she's feeling a different kind of pressure: the financial pressure. But she doesn't seem to realize that too much of one thing is very bad. It can lead to burning out. Permanent injuries from over exertion that can completely derail your athletic future, especially on a still growing body. The list goes on.

Rather than trying to appeal to her emotionally, maybe try to make her it your way through factual reasons. This is one possibility. Hope you have a good nights sleep.|||depression is not only an expression of anger. You can not be depressed Just because you do not feel like playing basket ball anymore. Anyone of us at certain time he/she need to take abreak and stop a hobbie for sometime so he/she can regroupe and reset their systems allover again. Believe me after sometime you will play basketball with more eager and enjoyment. Regarding your sleep matter , it could be due to over-excercising as you have been playing lot of games recently. Just do not worry!|||If you really feel it's too exhausting then you just need to tell your mom you can't handle it anymore. You've been keeping a commitment for ten years, and school and friends are more important then something you're sick of now. I'm sure your mom and peers will understand if you go on hiatus, everyone does it sometimes. Just take a deep breath, try to go to sleep and tomorrow explain to your mom how you've been feeling.|||i was the same way, but with swimming. had scollor ships and everything at 17. then it all went bye bye. dont quit dude. ull never forgive urself, u never will, u can trust me on that.....i wana start swimming again :'(|||Tell you mom exactly what you just said in your message. She will understand.|||you have way too much on your mind, try breathing and calming yourself down before bed.|||just skip it|||I'm sorry you are going through this and whether you choose to believe it or not, you still have a voice. I would sit down and have a talk with your mother and explain how all of this is affecting you. If you are having a hard time with getting your words together or chicken out before you actually talk to your mom, I would sit down and write it in a letter as well. In addition to that, I would also write the pros and cons on playing basketball as well. You should be playing out of pure love, and pure enjoyment of the game. I'm guessing you have god given talent for it, but do what you have to do in order to preserve that talent, but still have a life outside of that talent that will ensure that you have a happy and healthy lifestyle as well. Stress will do that to you, but good thing stress can be controlled. Take care!|||Congratulations on your basket ball playing and your good school work

I remember when my daughter was 15, she was also worried and confused like you. She did a bit of cognitive behaviour therapy with the aid of a book. We could not afford a private therapist

You need to slow down and make your own choices concerning what you do. Write your choices down and sometime during the day give them marks for pleasure Avoid argument if it is meaningless. Pace yourself. Write to your mother and tell her what you are doing and why.

Try not to worry about sleep. Get up and laze about. You will not die without the 8 hours. Choose what you like best and give it attention If your mother wont listen try writing again. I am sure she wants a happy daughter.

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